This was one of the most important things the Society ever wrote and rocked my JW world back in 1973. It changed my thoughts about the question of whether we earn our way into the new system (as the society would like you believe) or is it a free give, which makes more sense.
The answer the society gave was quit surprising.
So, of course when I was still a JW and went back to the world headquarters in 1996, to see my old Bethel friends. I went straight to the writing department to track down my old friend Cerio Allisino, who was still in the writing department. He informed me the information was correct.
The statement was in the "God's reign of a thousand years is now approaching" book. Page 129 paragraph 32.
It said this. It was very surprising what the society had to say.
"Because of being born sinful and condemned to death mankind never had "a chance" It could never justify itself before the God of absolute perfection by doing perfect works of righteousness and ridding itself of sinfulness."
So get this.... it goes on to say.
"So Judgement Day does not offer mankind what is called "a second chance" Rather, it affords to mankind ts FIRST opportunity to gain eternal life in human perfection and absolute innocence in an earthly Paradise!"
Of course to me back then this would make more sense. How could any man be judged with all that sin an imperfection? So how could any man.... Jehovah's Witness or not even a Jehovah's Witness, be judged? After all THEY said we "never had a first chance "
So what is all this "working hard" and "exerting vigorously" thing about? Which is it? Is it a free gift as they even claim it is....or are your working your way there, as the as they would have you believe from their many remarks from their pulpit?
How can you believe in any organization that can't even keep their own stories straight?
Also I guess this is just another reason you can't research any of their publications older than 1980 on their web site!
Kool Aid anyone?